CI Introduction | COAD 코아드자동문

Your global partner

A global leader in automatic doors

CI Introduction


As the style is made by modern style and soft line,
COAD designs to consider the legibility of customer.

Logo Symbol

As a principle, the symbol mark is used in the way of computer data based printiout.
However, if it is hard to apply the digital mark to a medium, it is required to draw the logo
In line with the guide lines without any change in its shape.


Main Slogan

Representative Slogan to express the Global Company that leads the world market over
the domestic market by ‘Automatic Door’

Sub Slogan

The meaning of “Safer, Smarter, Stronger” is to protect customers being safer, smarter and stronger.
COAD pursues the safety and perfection through the continuous innovation.
COAD communicate our main value to explain easily and clearly with the slogan, “3S”